. . . . . the KoiNet Connection . . . . .

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The KoiNet Deal


KoiNet offers internet exposure to the South African Koi trade via it's exclusive KoiNet Index on the Koi Connection pages of www.koinet.co.za. Whether you have a website or not, the SA Koi Directory will increase the traffic to your business by providing a virtual portal for local and international searchers of Koi merchandise. In addition, those smaller enterprises with neither the resources nor the inclination for a fully blown internet website can establish a presence on the internet at a very low cost.

KoiNet is continuously improving its strike rate and relative position on the hit list of popular search engines.

KoiNet endeavors to make South Africa a Koi Destination for overseas buyers. The Koi trade can only benefit from this truly Proudly South African initiative... and so can you.

1.       Qualification: (who you are)

1.1.      You must be a bona fide member of the South African Koi industry, providing a legitimate product or service to the Koi trade. 

1.2.      You must complete an application form and be willing to subject yourself to the Code of Conduct.

1.3.      Mailing list is open to private members who does not have a koi business and just want to receive information and newsletters concerned with the koi industry


2.       Service (what you get)

2.1.      Listing in the SA Koi Directory (Free)

2.2.      Listing in the SA KoiNet Index with a link to your ad page.

2.3.      A generous web page "ad" that could link to your own website. Maximum 20k text and 120k overall size per page.

2.4.      Free page set-up and layout. You provide the text and images and we will do the rest, or you can provide your own designed page in HTML format.

2.5.      One reasonable update per page per month is included.


3.       Cost (what you pay)

3.1.      R750 per two year period for the directory listing and opening ad page.

3.2.      Additional pages at R270 per page per two year period.

3.3.      While reasonable updates are free as per 2.5 above, major modification and redesign to pages will be undertaken on an hourly basis and upon an accepted quote.

3.4.      Prices are VAT exclusive. Invoices become payable on presentation.






(The KoiNet website is operated KoiNet CC and AquaNet Consulting)